About Style Profile

Know more about Style Profile

You know your wardrobe is full of clothes, but you are still confused about what clothing works or doesn’t work for you. Style Profile is a place where our Stylists will help you guide through all the essentials of the fashion world as per your fashion taste, fitting styles, and budget. Our Stylist learns everything about you, and then select the best pieces enhancing your personality and sends you a FIT Box. As you update your Style Profile based on seasons, trends, or as per occasions, our experts also work accordingly.

Learn how to update Style Profile

It is effortless to update your Style Profile whenever you want. You can access your Style Profile to update your size, fit, fabric/color/pattern/brand requirements, etc. Do remember to save the changes made by you in your Style Profile. If the order is in the process, feel free to contact us at any time. We’ll confirm whether our Stylist has received and working as per the updated changes. The selected 5 pieces in FIT Box will be according to your style.

Learn how to add Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram in your Style Profile

We want to remain updated with every minor change our valued customers want. For Stylists, it is necessary to know the customer’s needs and favorites.

To make your requirements easily visible and approachable to our Stylist, you can add links of your Facebook , Pinterest,Twitter, or Instagram accounts in your Style Profile page.

Copy and paste the URL from the top bar of your browser to the space provided at the bottom of the Style Profile page.

For example Add Photo to your Profile

When you share your social media account links or photo with our Stylists, your public image is visible to us, which helps us to learn more about your fashion sense. It presents a brief description of your personality and styles. When you link your social media accounts in your Style Profile form, the Stylist will be able to see whatever you share publicly. You need to fill the primary requirements like paste a link or your social media account handler. For Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, you need to mention your name. For Pinterest, simply copy and paste the URL from the browser bar on the top. Sharing your social media account pictures are also suitable.